Sunday, July 8, 2012

Community Channel II.

we are on Isle of Man with Tim and Ben (the two young comedians) and David (the sound engineer). yesterday we went to the Tin Bath World Championship in Castletown. our hotel is in Douglas the capital city of the island. going to the event is not more than 20 minutes by car.
the weather was just perfect. a beautiful sunny summer day with lots of people and really nice vibe. before one day it was raining as it is raining now all day so we have to tell you we have mad luck with shooting usually.
we shot 250 giga for 4 days. everything is fine with the footages. we decided to edit it. it will be cool but we need lots of time to make it. here are some photos:

Monday, July 2, 2012

Community Channel I.

We are going to shoot a documentary from the 4th till the 16th of July with Tim and Ben for Community Channel. The second round is in August.

"The series is documenting two comedians going to and participating in strange events around the UK such as the infamous Bog Snorkelling championship held annually in Wales. The programme will also include interviews and "behind the scenes" filming."

The events we will visit:
Isle of man tin bath:

World Pea shooting championship:

Bognor Birdman:

World Bog Snorkelling Championships:

The trip is 1176 miles.

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Sunday, July 1, 2012


We shot a music video two weeks ago for Shaun. We are still editing it. Here are two pictures from that day.
 He is Ninja's son: